G20/IMF: Protect the Vulnerable and Our Planet, Stop COVID-19 Economic Crisis

As Covid-19 takes lives, impacts jobs, affects healthcare and drives a global economic crisis, we the undersigned urge the G20, the International Monetary Fund, its Members and Executive Directors to:

  • Cancel debt and expand debt relief for developing countries to bolster healthcare, protect the vulnerable, workers and environment as they confront COVID-19. Increase debt relief and aid through the Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust, the Common Framework and other expanded processes
  • Mobilize additional grant and financing resources to support all countries impacted by the economic and health impacts of the coronavirus such as development bank support, emergency reserve funds known as Special Drawing Rights and sales from IMF gold reserves 
  • Enhance debt restructuring, issuing debt payment moratoriums and creating expedient debt reprofiling processes for countries impacted by the coronavirus
  • Advise countries to emerge from the crisis with more resilience by encouraging policies and agreements to increase protections for the vulnerable and our planet, instill greater public budget transparency, implement financial crisis and market protections, promote responsible lending and borrowing and curb corruption and tax evasion
2,596 signatures

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