This year's grassroots conference will bring together nearly 200 Jubilee supporters and economic justice activists from across the United States. In addition to speakers and performers, the conference will include a range of exciting workshops. You won't want to miss any of the more than two dozen workshops that will take place: - An Activist's Toolbox: Grassroots Organizing for Global Economic Justice
- Understanding the IMF, the World Bank and "Structural Adjustment Programs"
- Steeples, Synagogues, and Temples: Organizing Within Faith Communities
- Making the Connections: International Debt and Global AIDS
- The Inside Story on Doing Effective Media Work
- International Debt 101 and 201
- More 'Inconvenient Truths': Debt, Oil & Global Warming
- Meeting Your MOC: Grassroots Lobbying & Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression Training
- Unjust, Unfair, and Still Legal!: On Vulture Funds and Other Threats to Debt Cancellation
- China on the African Continent
- Speak Out: An Open Mic for Poetry & Protest
- Race to 2015: Debt, Trade, and the Millennium Development Goals
- Celebrating Our Victories: Debt Cancellation Works!
- Border Crossings: The Push and Pull of Debt, Trade & Immigration
- Country Case Studies: Liberia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, and Zambia
- Answering the Hard Questions: Educating Your Community on Debt, Trade and Global Poverty
- Banks of the South: Emerging Alternatives to the IMF and World Bank
- "Debt of the Dictators" film screening and discussion
- Debt and Global Apartheid
- "The Resource Curse": Extractive Industry & Economic Justice
- Ecological Debt and Environmental Justice
- Art and Resistance
- Getting Ready for Campaign '08: Bird-Dogging, Candidate Forums and More
- Train the Trainer: Organizing a Sabbath Economics Study Group in your Community
- Economic Justice for Haiti! - Film Screening and Discussion
Workshop slots are still available! |