Jubilee USA
Building an economy that serves, protects and promotes participation of the most vulnerable 


Hello Jubilee supporter!

As you can imagine, it is a very busy time at the Jubilee office as we continue to speak up for the world's poorest and most vulnerable.

If you are interested in lending a helping hand, we are looking for Jubilee supporters who would be willing to volunteer in the office during the week doing tasks such as stuffing envelopes, making phone calls to supporters, filling orders for materials, helping with data entry and providing logistical support during the occasional DC-based event. 

If you are interested please contact us at coord(at)jubileeusa.org with "Volunteer for Jubilee USA" in the subject line or call us at (202) 783-3566.

Another way you can help is by spreading the word about Jubilee in your community.  We ask you to look for opportunities to raise awareness and help to mobilize others to take action for economic justice, whether that means helping your faith community to become a Jubilee Congregation, speaking about the debt issue with your co-workers, or hosting a table for a fair at your college campus. 

We here at Jubilee want to be as supportive as we can, so please feel free to call or email us your questions and ideas. 

We're happy to provide you with any information and materials that you might need.  Besides the obvious benefits of working to free those suffering in the chains of debt, Jubilee also offers a venue for sharing information about your involvement in our blog, Blog the Debt, discussion and lecture opportunities, and other benefits... just ask those who tabled at the Green Festival and enjoyed the event for free instead of paying the $15 admission fee!

Please take a minute to think about a few things:

  • What would be helpful to me as I represent Jubilee?  Resources?  Information?  Check-ins with others doing similar work?
  • What else would I like to know about Jubilee?
  • What do I hope to get out of volunteering?


We'd love to hear your ideas and questions.  Please feel free to email us at coord(at)jubileeusa.org or at (202) 783-3566.  We'll be sure to reply right away. Thanks for your support and we'll see you at the next volunteer party!

Copyright © 2007 Jubilee USA Network. All Rights Reserved.