Jubilee USA
Building an economy serves, protects and promotes participation of the most vulnerable. 

Become a Local Jubilee Chapter or Coalition

To register your group as an official Jubilee Chapter or Coalition,
please complete the information below.

2. Names of 3 or more individual members and/or member organizations
(please include their contact information or attach on a separate sheet) who will be

3. Main Contact Person

6. What is your coalition's planned financial commitment to Jubilee?
(Please use box below.)
We ask all network members to make an annual financial contribution
to help sustain the organization. For local Jubilee Groups, this could be a free-will
collection taken up at one of your regular meetings, part of the proceeds from
a local fundraiser, or you could use the creativity of your local group to come up
with other exciting and fun fundraising ideas. There is no minimum or maximum
requirement. The amount is up to your local group.

Though you can submit your financial commitment at anytime during the fiscal year,
some opt to do it during the registration process. If this is what your group prefers,
you can submit it after you register by following the links after the conformation page.

Please click the "Submit button" once, please.
Copyright © 2007 Jubilee USA Network. All Rights Reserved.