Praying with Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands
It's been six months since Hurricanes Maria and Irma devastated Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Because of your prayers and actions we continue to move forward debt relief and disaster aid for the islands. However, six months later we still need your prayers and action to address the humanitarian crisis on the islands. Today, many Puerto Ricans still don’t have reliable access to food, clean water, and other necessities.
Please join us March 23rd - 25th and pray for the people of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Please sign-up your religious community and dedicate one prayer or petition during your religious service as we continue to act for those suffering on the islands. You can sign-up using the form below or contact [email protected] or 503-936-7553.
- Sample Jubilee Prayer for Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands -
It has now been six months since Hurricanes Maria and Irma devastated our neighbors in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. In the midst of this continued crisis, we both grieve the devastation and loss of life that occurred, and recognize the ways in which you God are present even in these difficult times.
As we consider the many needs of the people of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, we pray for mercy, comfort, and relief for our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico at this time. We ask for restoration for all of your people on the islands.
As people of faith, we will continue to outstretch our arms in support and ask for the help that is beyond our mere means. We pray for the hearts and minds of those in power, that they too might see the needs of your people, and view Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands with eyes of compassion. We are standing with Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
Thank you, oh God of many names, for the hope that leads us onward. Amen.
Participating Congregations include:
Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters Chicago, IL
Congregation Gates of Heaven Schenectady, NY
Epworth United Methodist Berkeley, CA
Skyline Community Church Oakland, CA
Our Lady Queen of Peace Arlington, VA
First Presbyterian Church Portland, OR
University Lutheran Church Mason, MI
University Lutheran Church Gainesville, FL
Dominican Sisters Great Bend, KS
B'nai Sholom Albany, NY
Congregation Beth Emeth Albany, NY
Congregation Berith Sholom Troy, NY
Temple Sinai Saratoga Albany, NY
Notre Dame of Dallas Dallas, TX
Notre Dame of Elm Gove Elm Grove, WI
Our Lady of Good Counsel Mankato, MN
St. Mary of the Pines Chatawa, MS
Sancta Maria in Ripa St. Louis, MO
St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order Detroit, MI
Ascension Lutheran Thousand Oaks, CA
Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict St. Joseph, MN
Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambery West Hartford, CT
Trinity Episcopal Church Lewiston, ME
St. Anne's Catholic Church Birkenhead, England
St. Columba Catholic Church Oakland, CA
Saint Robert's Catholic Church San Bruno, CA
Prayer and Worship Resources
Jubilee USA began when Christian, Jewish and Muslim institutions and faith communities called to cancel debt and invest in some of the world's poorest communities. Our founders range from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to American Jewish World Service. As a community of faith we still tackle the global and local structural issues of poverty and inequality.
Today, Jubilee USA is a coalition of 750 faith communities around the country and national faith organizations, including the national Lutheran, Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, Methodist and Episcopal churches, the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism, Islamic Relief and the leadership of numerous Catholic religious orders.
Learn more about how faith communities implement our vision in the resources below. We hope that you and your faith community will join us to build an economy that serves, protects and promotes participation of the most vulnerable and win a true Jubilee.