Jubilee USA Network is committed to support, engage, and involve local Jubilee chapters and coalitions as an absolutely essential part of the work of the broader Jubilee Network.
To this end, Jubilee USA will do everything possible to involve local Jubilee chapters or coalitions in campaign activities, periodically updating them on campaign work including relevant developments and debates, and assisting local Jubilee chapters and coalitions to strengthen their own educational and advocacy work in support of Jubilee debt cancellation.
Jubilee chapters and coalitions are invited and urged to take part in the Jubilee Network's national decision making bodies -- the Network Council and the Coordinating Committee (elected by the Network Council to make decisions and direct the work of the Network between the annual Network Council meetings). All local Jubilee Chapters and Coalitions are automatically part of the national Network Council, which meets in person on an annual basis. The unique perspectives and ideas of grassroots Jubilee activists are immensely valued and needed by the wider national network, and local Jubilee Chapters and Coalitions are encouraged to share their work and perspectives by participating in the Jubilee Network at the national level.