Take Action for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands


Last week Congress left town without voting for relief and recovery aid for disaster struck Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Florida, Texas and California. 

Please send a message to your Senators and Representative and tell them Puerto Rico needs recovery funding to rebuild to withstand the next storm. Let Congress know that Puerto Rico needs debt relief. Tell them that US Citizens living in Puerto Rico should be able to receive the same level of access to Medicaid, Medicare and child tax benefits that citizens can access who live in the States.

Because of the pressure we put on Congress in recent weeks, we stripped the tax package of an "excise" tax on Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Our collective actions make a big difference. In the days and weeks to come, Congress will make several decisions that will impact the people of Puerto Rico.

Unfortunately, Congress left town before agreeing on a recovery package for Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, Texas, Florida and California.

E-mail Congress now. Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands need recovery funding to rebuild to withstand the next storm. Tell them Puerto Rico needs debt relief. US Citizens living in Puerto Rico should be able to access Medicaid, Medicare and child tax benefits that citizens can access who live in the States.‎

Last week, Puerto Rico's Archbishop Roberto Gonzalez joined Jubilee USA's Director Eric LeCompte to meet with the teams of Speaker Ryan and Leader McConnell. 

Afterwards, Jubilee USA and our partners hosted a prayer service in a Congress office building for Puerto Rico. Supporting and participating groups included the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, United Church of Christ, Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, Franciscan Action Network, the National Association of Evangelicals, Muslim Public Affairs Council and Islamic Relief.

Archbishop Gonzalez reflected as we waited for Congress to vote on recovery aid:

"Puerto Rico desperately needs a complete debt relief, funding for rebuilding, and equal access to Medicare, Medicaid and child tax benefit funding. [...] Today we pray with the persistence and tenacity of the widow of the gospel; we pray full of hope that the miracle of compassion, openness toward and solidarity with Puerto Rico may come true."

Please click on this link and send a message to your Members of Congress now.

Thanks for taking action,

Kate Zeller
Campaigns Director
Twitter: @JubileeUSA

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Jubilee USA Network
212 East Capitol St NE - Washington, DC 20003
(202) 783-3566 - [email protected]