Eric LeCompte Speaks with Devex on UN Debt and Tax Agreements

Eric LeCompte, Executive Director of Jubilee USA, recently spoke with Devex about the policy challenges faced in achieving the sustainable development goals. Read an excerpt below and follow this link to the full article.

What will it take to fix flailing SDG funding?

While the financing for development process has helped build consensus around several issues, the challenge is that very little about it is binding, said Eric LeCompte, executive director of the financial-reform focused alliance Jubilee USA. Addis brought up illicit financial flows but created no mechanism to support countries in retaining their resources, he said. The Addis agreement also called for debt restructuring to be improved, which needs to be done, especially with growing indebtedness.

“Across the board — particularly with tax, transparency, debt policies — we are at a point where we need to move beyond voluntary mechanisms because we don’t have the ability to reach the SDGS,” LeCompte said.

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