The New York Times featured the IMF's decision to halt debt payments for 25 poor countries affected by the coronavirus. Read an excerpt below, and click here for the full story.
IMF Cancels Debt Payments for 6 Months for 25 Poor Nations
Eric LeCompte, executive director of Jubilee USA Network, an alliance of more than 75 U.S. organizations and 700 faith communities working for debt relief, called the IMF announcement “an incredibly positive step.”
“Many of these countries have less than 50 critical care unit beds per country,” LeCompte said in a statement. “These countries need to bolster their health systems right away and cancellation of debt for six months will help these countries.”
But LeCompte said more needs to be done.
“As the poorest countries in the world, they really need full cancellation” of their debts, he said.
Read more here.