How to Ensure Debt Sustainability Accelerates Sustainable Development

Jubilee USA partnered with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung New York to publish How to Ensure Debt Sustainability Accelerates Sustainable Development, by Matthew Martin.

The paper was the third to launch as part of a series that gathered practitioners to write on the theme "Debt Sustainability Assessments and their Role in the Global Financial Architecture." The papers will be chapters in a report to appear later in the summer. 

How to Ensure Debt Sustainability Accelerates Sustainable Development, by Matthew Martin

A new study by Matthew Martin makes the case for why and how to adapt DSAs to National Sustainable Development Plans and National Defined Contributions and Adaptation Plans to confront the climate crisis.

The paper addresses three key challenges: adapting DSAs 1) to overall SDG spending needs, 2) to meet urgent environmental crises, including climate change, nature and biodiversity collapse, and the rising incidence of natural disasters, and 3) to meet social crises produced by rising inequality and poverty, as well as pandemics. Mindful of the need for feasible and immediately actionable recommendations, the study has been based on close consultation with civil society experts and representatives of governments and international organizations

Find the webpage for the "Debt Sustainability Assessments and their Role in the Global Financial Architecture" series here.