Soon after the elections, Congress could vote on a new "NAFTA" deal that impacts inequality, global debt policies and whether or not poor people can access life-saving medicine. Before a new Congress comes to Washington, the current White House and Congress needs to hear from us - before they act.
We need your faith community to pray with us the weekend of November 16th through 18th and to endorse our interfaith statement on trade, debt and access to medicines.
Sign-up your faith community to offer one prayer during your religious service the weekend of November 16th - 18th. Join Jewish, Christian, Muslim and other faith communities as we pray that trade agreements protect the vulnerable.
As your faith community offers a prayer for Jubilee November 16th-18th, we are also mindful of last year's hurricanes that ravaged Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, Barbuda and Dominica. We expect additional votes on Puerto Rico relief and the island enters a new phase of debt negotiations and debt traps. Before the end of the year, we will also need to do more to make sure that Congress and the White House act for Puerto Rico.