Your organization, faith community or congregation can sign the letter to New York legislators here.
Read the letter here.
21 Letter Signatories as of 3/15/2023
We write to request that you pass legislation to protect taxpayers, address economic shocks and support debt relief for developing countries suffering the pandemic economic and health shocks and the Ukraine war food and energy impacts.
As the world enters its third year since the pandemic triggered the worst economic crisis since World War II, developing countries' debt is at a 50-year high. Half of them spend a quarter of their revenue or more on debt payments. Private creditors, holding more than 60% of developing countries’ debt, refuse to participate in debt relief initiatives set by world leaders. When debt restructurings occur, private creditors average a 20% higher return than their taxpayer-funded peers.
More than one-half of sovereign debt contracts are issued under NY law. New York State legislation requiring equitable debt restructuring can make money accessible to developing countries for essential health and social services, including vaccines and food, energy and environmental protection programs.
Pope John Paul II and diverse faith-based leaders championed debt forgiveness for poor countries, and it has been a longstanding US policy with bipartisan support ever since.
Tax money – including from New Yorkers – funds the US participation in debt relief initiatives. Lack of private creditor participation in international debt relief initiatives risks undermining public support, and bringing the debt restructuring system to a halt. This would extend debt crises, with resulting supply shocks, humanitarian crisis and health and social impacts that harm our markets, citizens and consumers.
NY is the primary jurisdiction for developing market bonds and the world's financial capital.Prompt enactment of NY legislation to ensure private creditors contribute their share in international debt relief initiatives helps address the urgent needs of vulnerable people and promote the resilience of developing nations, while safeguarding economic and market stability at home
21 Letter Signatories as of 3/15/2023
Congregation Gates of Heaven
United Methodist Church
First Reformed Church of Schenectady
First United Methodist Church of Schenectady
Saint John of God Parish
Presbyterian Hunger Program
B'nai Sholom Reform Congregation
Sisters of Charity of New York
First Presbyterian Church of Forest Hills NY
Fundación de Diaconía Pazos
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Albanu
African Services Committee
Sisters of Mercy in NY State
African Communities Together
Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart
United Church of Christ, Justice and Local Church Ministries
Duryee Memorial AME Zion Church
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
First Lutheran Church - Albany, NY